
First of all, congrats for the zgameeditor ^___^, it's one of the best 3d game edtior i have ever seen, sense 3Drad in term of ease, i hope the dev continue to support this awesome game tools.

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i'm here to get some insight how i set android setting, especially theLazy oaks resort lakeside azLaztoapk Apache Ant Path
sorry if this already mentioned somewhere in the website/forum, i just didn't found it out, also i'm completely new to zgameeditor with android, i'm just coming from yoyogames gamemaker background, and didn't know what apache path referred too yet, sense most 2d game tools don't have have this setting.LaztoapkLazy oaks resort

LazToApk will verify if the folder's for JDK,SDK,NDK and the tool lazbuild.exe are available. If not, then following path setup dialogs will show up and you must select the correct path manually. On the first start of LazToApk. These guys suggest laztoapk, for creating apk what caught my attention, was they also encounter apps that work on 4.4 but not on 5.1 in the end they conclude is about lazarus customdrawn, probably gui stuff, but from what i see theres no gui in xidel. Pages in category 'Android' The following 15 pages are in this category, out of 15 total.!


Laztoapkで簡単なアンドロイドアプリを作ろうとしています。 効果音をつけるためにwavファイルを再生したいのですが、 どのコンポーネントを使ってどのように記述したら良いか教えてください。. Re: laztoapk v0.9.0,40 « Reply #2 on: January 30, 2019, 11:31:53 am » laztoapk needs update to download newer versions of at least laz4android, I guess 1.4.4 is no longer downloadable.

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thanks an advance. [/b]

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