Killing Floor 2 Console Commands

Sets the players view to first-person. Sets the players view to third-person. Locks player rotation (still allowing for 'WASD' movement) and allows camera rotation around player. Change your current field of view to x degrees. Killing Floor 2 Console Commands. Berserk = Gives you Berserker weapons. Medic = Gives you Medic weapons. Assault = Gives you Commando weapons. Shotty = Gives you Support weapons. Nails = Gives you the VLAD-1000 Nailgun. Uberammo = Unlimited ammo (no reload) and grenades.

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Main_Page | All_Supported_Games

  • 1Server Management
    • 1.3Mutators
  • 3Setting Up Steam Workshop Files For Servers
  • 4Map Cycles
  • 5Server Takeover
  • 8Connecting directly to your KF2 server
Killing Floor 2
Killing Floor 2 is a first-person shooter video game, that can be played alone or cooperatively with up to six players. The game is based on events from Killing Floor, in which a deadly outbreak from the bio-technology firm Horzine created Zeds (zombie-like creatures) that rapidly spread across Europe, paralyzing the response from the European Union. Within Killing Floor 2, taking place a month after the first game, the outbreak has spread beyond Europe, causing governments to collapse and communication systems to fail.

Game play consists of players fighting through waves against Zeds. As waves pass, the enemy count, which scales with the number of players in the game, will increase and different enemy types are introduced with the final wave culminating in a boss fight. The boss character will be determined randomly upon the start of the last wave, with each boss having different strategies for defeating it. Players are equipped with melee weapons and firearms, a healing syringe, and a welder used to block passages. Random weapons, ammo, and armor can be found by exploring the level, though players have a limited amount of weight they can carry.

General HelpServer Admin Info
* Killing_Floor_2 Dedicated Server Official Wiki * WebAdmin
(Best used for customizing your game play)
* Server Takeover * Modding your Server
* Epic Game Store Release * How to Enable Mutators
* Endless Game Mode

Admin Access to a Full Server

If you server is full, you can still connect:

  1. Launch your game
  2. Open the in-game console by pressing the '~' key.
  3. Enter open IP Address:PortNumber?SpectatorOnly=1
    Example open
    so you can manually issue kick and ban commands.

Web Admin

  • To enable the WebAdmin interface on your server:
  1. Stop your server
  2. From the Configuration Files option, select the Text Editor option next to the WebAdmin link to edit the KFWeb.ini file
  3. Locate the line bEnabled=false
  4. Change the false to true
  5. Save the changes
  6. Next, still under the Configuration Files option, select the Text Editor option next to the Main Server Config File to edit the PCServer-KFGame.ini file
  7. Find the line starting with AdminPassword=
  8. Set your admin password, the line should look something like this: AdminPassword=yoursecretpassword
  9. Save the file
  10. Restart your server

  • To connect to the WebAdmin interface:
  1. from the game control panel click on the Server WebAdmin icon
  2. This will open a new tab in your browser
  3. Enter in Admin for the user name
  4. Enter in the AdminPassword you set in the above steps
  5. Click on the Login button



To set up mutators you need to have met the following criteria:

  • Have purchased more than 6 slots
  • Subscribed to the mutator

Option 1

  • (often the Easiest option)
  • Configured/Enabled the WebAdmin interface for your server
  • Using the WebAdmin interface, setup the Mutator under the 'Additional URL variables
    Enter '?Mutator=KFMutator.KFMutator_MaxPlayersV2

Option 2

  • Using the Commandline Manager, create New Custom Commandline and enter the following: (Make sure you STOP your server first)
    Description: - For Example - MaxPlayMutator
    Mutator: - For example : KFMutator.KFMutator_MaxPlayersV2
    Starting Map: - For Example: KF-Airship
    Make sure the Select box on the left for each of the above three options is also checked or they will not be used when your server is started.
    There is an optional MaxMonsters option that you can set. If you want to change max monsters alive at one time.
  • Once you have entered all the information, click on the Save button.
  • Return to your server page and click on the Start icon.
    Allow the server a few minutes to start up and settle down, then check your logs for any possible errors. If you do not see any, go ahead and connect.
  1. Make sure the game server isn't running
  2. Edit PCServer-KFGame.ini: (Use Text Edit option )
    Find this part and edit it, here is the default one
    ServerMOTD=Welcome to our server. n n Have fun and good luck!
    BannerLink should be a PNG (save it > 8bit) image
    ServerMOTD is the message display under the BannerLink image. You can use 'n' to create a new line like in the default message.
    WebsiteLink is the url of your website (if you edit this from the webadmin, it resets to a blank value after saving)
  3. Save, start the server, enjoy you welcome screen.

Step 1: Configuring the server to download files from Workshop

  1. Stop your server
  2. Click on the Configuration Files icon
  3. Click on the Text Editor link for the PCServer-KFEngine.ini config file
  4. If it does not already exist, add the following section to the file
  5. For each Workshop item you want the server to download,
    Add a ServerSubscribedWorkshopItems=<number> line in that section.
    You can find the number by looking for the id= part of the the URL of the Workshop item in Steam.
    For example, the URL of the Workshop Test map is,
    so the line will be ServerSubscribedWorkshopItems=535769647.
    There might be other text=number parts of the URL, so be sure to use only the number after 'id='.
  6. Save your file

Example [OnlineSubsystemSteamworks.KFWorkshopSteamworks] section (These ID's are for Grindhouse Contest Maps):

Step 2: Make clients download the Workshop item from Steam when connecting to the server

  • This will only work for Workshop items that the server downloads itself, that are listed in the [OnlineSubsystemSteamworks.KFWorkshopSteamworks] section as described above.
  1. Stop your server
  2. Click on the Configuration Files icon
  3. Click on the Text Editor link for the PCServer-KFEngine.ini config file
  4. If it does not already exist, locate the following section: [IpDrv.TcpNetDriver]
  5. Add the line 'DownloadManagers=OnlineSubsystemSteamworks.SteamWorkshopDownload' to that section.
    If there are other 'DownloadManagers=' lines, make sure this one is the first.
    Do not delete anything from this section, except (optionally) other DownloadManagers= lines.
  6. Save you file

Step 3: Steam Workshop map location in server and map names

  1. Start your server
  2. Wait for it to download Steam Workshop maps you added earlier. This can take several minutes.
  3. After the server has downloaded all the maps stop the server and make sure that it is not running.
  4. Using the File Manager, navigate to the folder KFGameCacheXXX0BrewedPC where XXX is one of the ServerSubscribedWorkshopItems you added earlier. For example (KF-BikiniAtoll):

  • Copy the name(s) of the file(s) (excluding the .kfm extension), will be needed in Step 4 and/or if you plan on manually editing your GameMapCycles entry in the PCServer-KFGame.ini file.


More Killing Floor 2 Console Commands Videos

Step 4: Add maps so they show in Web Admin

  1. Stop your server
  2. Click on the Configuration Files icon
  3. Click on the Text Editor link for the PCServer-KFGame.ini config file
  4. Scroll down to the bottom of the file and add your maps
    [KF-2_Levels_Of_Fun KFMapSummary]
  5. Save your changes
  6. Start your server
  7. Connect to your server via the Web Admin console and check the maps are listed under the MAP CYCLES' / AVAILABLE MAPS list.



To edit your Map Cycles you can do this one of two ways:

  1. Editing the PCServer-KFGame.ini file, or
  2. Using the Web Admin console (best method)

PCServer-KFGame.ini Method

  1. Stop your server
  2. From the Configuration Files option, click on the Text Editor for the PCServer-KFGame.ini
  3. Locate the GameMapCycles line in the file
    Example: GameMapCycles=(Maps=('KF-BurningParis','KF-Bioticslab','KF-Outpost','KF-VolterManor','KF-Catacombs','KF-EvacuationPoint'))
  4. Edit the map names with the exact map names you added in the PCServer-KFGame.ini file
    Example: If you added:
    [KF-Default KFMapSummary]
    You will need to make sure your GameMapCycles list contains KF-Default
  5. Save you changes
  6. Go to the Commandline Manager and add a New Custom Commandline or edit your existing Custom Commandline
    1. Check The Select check box for Starting Map
    2. Enter the name of your starting map
      Again make sure you use the exact name you entered in the configuration file earlier
    3. Save your Custom Commandline
  7. Start your server

Web Admin Console Method

  1. Connect to your servers Web Admin console (if you have not already done so, make sure you have configured your access to this).
  2. Under SETTINGS, click on MAP CYCLES
  3. You can modify the default Map Cycle or crate a new one of your own.
  4. Save you MAP CYCLE by clicking on the SAVE MAP CYCLE button at the bottom of the page
    If you created a new MAP CYCLE, make sure you click on the MAKE ACTIVE button at the bottom of the screen, that your custom Map Cycle is the active one.
  5. Next go to the CHANGE MAP option, under CURRENT GAME
    1. Under GAME AND MAP, select the starting map from your newly created/active MAP CYCLE.
    2. Click on CHANGE GAME, this will force a server reload, starting it with the map you selected.
Killing floor 2 console commandsKilling

What it is

  • Server Takeover is a feature that allows players who are matchmaking and choosing to start their own private game to 'grab' a server that has not opted out for them to use during their play time.
  • This will change the settings on the server to those that the players want and make it private. However it will not expose any of the private information about that server (such as admin passwords) to them.
    At the end of their stay in the server, the server will open back up again and await new players or another takeover request.

How to opt out

To remove your server from the take over list you can use this line in the PCServer-KFEngine.ini:

  • Our current configuration should support the Epic Game Store release without any additional changes.
    • REMINDER: You still cannot add mods to the server

To make this change, using the Web Admin interface, select the game mode 'Endless' from the Change Map tab.

You may connect directly to your Killing Floor 2 server without the server browser by following these steps using one of the following options:

Killing Floor 2 Cheats Ps4

GamePassword Not Set

  1. Start Killing Floor 2 game
  2. Open the console by pressing the '~' key
  3. Enter the command open ServerIP:Port
    Example 123.456.789.1:7777
  4. You should now connect to your server

GamePassword Set

  1. Start Killing Floor 2 on your Pc
  2. Open the console by pressing the '~' key
  3. Enter the command open ServerIP:Port?password=your_password
    Example 123.456.789.1:7777?password=pwd1234.
  4. You should now connect to your server
  • Most of the steps are from the TripWire Wiki page.
  1. Subscribe to the workshop maps you want
  2. Make a copy of the ..../steamapps/workshop/content/232090 folder on your local PC
  3. Create a set of matching folders using the Map Name(s)
    Example: 643383080 -> BikiniAtoll
    From the 643383080, locate and copy the .kfm file to the new folder. If there are other files in this folder, copy them as well.
    Some workshop folders require to you to drill down past the BrewedPC folder to find the .kfm file, other not.
  4. Once complete, using your favorite FTP client copy these new folder to your servers KFGameBrewedPCMaps folder
    Example: Once complete, on your server in the KFGameBrewedPCMapsBikiniAtoll folder you will see the KF-BikiniAtoll.kfm file.
  5. Stop your server
  6. Click on the Configuration Files Icon to edit your configuration files.
    1. Click on the Text Editor link for the KFGameConfigPCServer-KFEngine.ini file
      1. Locate the line DownloadManagers=IpDrv.HTTPDownload
      2. Immediately above that add the following line: DownloadManagers=OnlineSubsystemSteamworks.SteamWorkshopDownload
      3. Next go all the way to the bottom of the file and add the following:
        ServerSubscribedWorkshopItems=<Steam Workshop ID>
        Example: To add the for the BikiniAtoll map
        (Add additional workshop maps as desired, using the same format)
      4. Save the configuration file
    2. Click on the Text Editor link for the KFGameConfigPCServer-KFGame.ini file NOT the Configuration Editor
      1. Scroll down until you find something like (Towards the bottom )
        [KF-Prison KFMapSummary]
      2. Copy the first two lines
        [KF-Prison KFMapSummary]
      3. Paste the copy of the lines and change them to match the map you are adding. You will need to repeat this for every map
        Example: [KF-BikiniAtoll KFMapSummary]
        (Repeat this for each map you add, using the appropriate information)
      4. Next locate the line:
        GameMapCycles=(Maps=(')) , line in your config file, and add in the new maps
        Example: GameMapCycles=(Maps=('KF-BikiniAtoll',KF-DieSector','KF-Farmhouse','KF-Airship'))
      5. Save you config file
  7. Start your server
  • Step #4 can be ignored is you have already configured your server to use the WebAdmin interface. This is much easier to change the map cycles.
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